
Image Processing & Visualization

Image Processing & Visualization

Photo: Visualization of scientific data

Image credits: Dr. Usman Alim

Static Visualization

Static Visualization

Image credits belong to Dr-Ing. Robert Martinuzzi and Dr. Yaoping Hu. The scope of the research is to create 3D visual renderings of the underlying flow physics. This enhances human cognitive abilities to relate flow phenomena to observed outcomes.


Members of this research theme come from three different departments; Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Electrical and Software Engineering, and Computer Science. Some of the research that is headed by these members include digital design and addressing problems in visual computing through the use of data visualization, computer graphics, and image processing.

The associated facilities work on projects such as , 3D visualization techniques, flow control, and visual computing.

Groups and Lab

Visualization and Graphics Group (VISAGG)

Spatial Analysis Research in Computational Science Laboratory (SPARCS)

Aerospace and Compressible Flow Research (AERO-CORE) Group

Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerodynamics and Flow Control (LTRAC)

Agile Surface Engineering Laboratory (ASE)

Biometric Technologies Laboratory