
March 13, 2024

How you can support students observing Ramadan

Advice from UCalgary’s Faith and Spirituality Centre and members of our local community
Supporting students observing Ramadan

Around the world, the sighting of the crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan, and this year, it began on the evening of March 10. This means the first day of fasting for Muslims began on March 11, and the last day is predicted to be on April 9.

For each day of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, meaning they do not eat or drink during those hours. It is a way for them to experience the suffering of, and develop greater empathy toward, those who do not have access to food or water.

Additionally, Ramadan is a time for them to strengthen their relationship with God, such as through giving charity, reciting the Qur'an, making dua (supplication), and practising good character. It is also an opportunity for them to spend quality time with family, friends, and the community, such as by attending communal iftars (the meal which breaks one’s fast) and Tarawih (prayers which take place at the masjid every night of Ramadan).

After the last day of Ramadan, Eid-al-Fitr takes place, a holiday which Muslims celebrate by dressing up in fancy clothes, giving gifts, and eating lots of food. įį

"I think that it is important for campus activities to consider the timing of sunset during Ramadan. Muslims break their fast at this time, so scheduling mandatory events like exams could force them to delay this significant moment. Additionally, scheduling optional campus activities around sunset during Ramadan can inadvertently exclude fasting Muslim students."
- Muslim student who wishes to be identified as Aisha

Muslim students may experience reduced energy levels and difficulty concentrating due to fasting and interrupted sleep schedules.

However, there are many ways in which our campus community can support students during this time, as the Faith and Spirituality Centre (FSC) recommends:  

  • If students attend class during sunset, let them know they are welcome to break their fast. 
  • If an exam is scheduled in the late afternoon or evening, be aware that fasting students may be a bit fatigued or distracted. If a student requests to eat during an exam or requires additional breaks, it would be helpful to support those requests. į
  • Understand that students may not know the exact dates of when Ramadan begins and ends far in advance, since they vary and need to be confirmed by religious authorities depending on the first sighting of the crescent moon. į
  • Encourage open communication if students require support. į
  • Refer students to the 󳧰 for further support. For international students, there are also a wide variety of supports available through International Student Services. įį

"Something that is challenging about Ramadan as a student are the many competing priorities, whether spiritually, academically, or professionally. This is especially true during a time like this with many deadlines and exams. Ramadan can look very different for different students, and so I hope that professors and university staff keep an open mind to listen to individual students. Keeping space for open dialogue is an important way for the university to support students observing Ramadan."
- Salma Zein, a peer helper at the FSC

Advice from members of our local Muslim community  

The FSC and some of UCalgary’s Muslim students’ associations collected suggestions from Muslims around campus on how those who are observing Ramadan can be better supported. Some of the feedback they received:  

  • Be aware that many Muslims are fasting during this time. Please ask before eating or drinking in front of others. į
  • Be aware that not all Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan. There are many personal reasons why someone cannot fast. If you are asking someone whether they are fasting, listen to their response and avoid probing or judging if they say they are not fasting. į
  • Ask your fasting peer if you can drop off a nutritious meal that they can easily heat up for iftar (the meal which breaks one’s fast) or suhoor (the meal one eats to prepare themselves for a day of fasting). į
  • Avoid talking about weight loss to Muslim friends during Ramadan. It can be triggering to those with histories of disordered eating. į
  • Wish people a “Ramadan Mubarak,” which roughly translates to “Have a blessed Ramadan,” or say “Ramadan Kareem,” which roughly translates to “Have a generous Ramadan.”  
  • Ask your peers how their Ramadan is going. Reaching out is a good way to show support and respect. į
  • Educate yourself on Islam and advocate against Islamophobia whenever you can. į
  • Note that Ramadan is about far more than fasting. People of other faiths will often fast in solidarity with Muslims, but that can trivialize the holy Ramadan experience. It is more helpful to participate in the spiritual acts of humility, generosity, and knowledge seeking. į
  • Ask if there is a charity you could donate to or a cause they are passionate about if you want to partake in acts of generosity. Ramadan is also about volunteering and caring for those who are less fortunate. 

The international students who are observing it without in-person family support may experience additional strain. There are many online options for students to connect and celebrate, including a number of student-led organizations.

Students can connect through UCalgary Students’ Union associations, such as the , the , the  and the , or through off-campus communities, like the . į

Anyone in our UCalgary community can find more information and support by contacting the FSC. įį

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