
Aug. 9, 2019

Top 5 reasons to participate in UCalgary’s Sustainable Offices Program

First offices to obtain badges share tips on why you should participate in the program
ˮƵ Relations team retires their office Keurig as part of the Sustainable Offices Program.

The ˮƵ Relations team retires the office Keurig as part of the Sustainable Offices Program.

ˮƵ Relations

Small changes are having a big impact on campus. UCalgary awarded its very first badges through the Sustainable Offices Program to ˮƵ Relations and the Haskayne School of Business Engagement team. ˮƵ Relations was the first department to obtain a badge after rallying their team of 75 people to achieve the Sustainable Offices Gold Waste Badge. They were closely followed by Haskayne’s Community Engagement team who received their Gold Meetings Badge.

“To co-ordinate the sustainability changes outlined in the Waste Badge, ˮƵ Relations formed a dedicated Sustainable Offices team,” says Philippe Reicher, associate vice-president (strategic communications) and ˮƵ Relations sustainable offices sponsor. “Our Sustainable Offices representatives used the resources to learn about the best ways to make change and then communicated this to the larger team. Achieving this badge was a team effort and we realize that everyone has a part to play in making our UCalgary work spaces sustainable.”

Currently, there are two badges offered through the Sustainable Offices Program: Waste and Meetings. The Waste badge diverts office waste and helps meet the campus’s waste reduction goals, while the Meetings badge makes small changes in how we conduct our meetings on a daily basis.

“Sustainability has been a priority at the Haskayne School of Business since 2014, so when the Sustainable Offices Program was launched, it was intuitive that we participate and earn the Meetings and Waste badges,” says Livia Fiorini, events specialist, Haskayne Community Engagement. “We encourage all offices on campus to do so as well.”

Why your office should take part in this program

Members of the ˮƵ Relations and Haskayne Community Engagement teams shared their top five reasons to participate in the program:

  1. Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. At UCalgary, we all have a role to play in preserving our planet for future generations. Taking part in this program allows faculty and staff to implement daily sustainable practices.
  2. Build teams and create culture: Rallying your team together to certify your office space lets everyone unite and work towarda common goal.
  3. Help create a carbon-neutral campus by 2050. The Sustainable Offices and Events programs directly supports the goals of the university’s Climate Action Plan.
  4. Only a small time commitment. The program has been set up to allow faculty and staff to seamlessly fit these sustainability practices into their daily schedule.
  5. Get recognized for your work. Show off your sustainability leadership and create friendly competition by sending pictures of your Sustainable Offices team at work to sustain@ucalgary.ca. Your initiatives may be featured in UCalgary’s Sustainability Co-ordinators Community of Practice or on UCalgary’s sustainability and accounts.

Ready to certify your office? Get started now. Questions? Contact sustain@ucalgary.ca