
Keeta Gladue

Leading from the middle

Women Leaders Speaker Series

Presented: November 21, 2018


Keeta Gladue is the Indigenous Student Program Advisor at UCalgary's Writing Symbols Lodge. Her family is from the Sucker Creek Cree Nation. Keeta grew up on a small island in the west coast called Tlay Maak Tsu in the traditional territory of the Ehattesaht people of the Nuu chahnulth. She has worked in leadership and engagement for the past twelve years, in both Canada and England. Keeta transitioned from over ten years working with youth, to supporting Indigenous student success, and intercultural engagement and understanding at UCalgary. A self-proclaimed Indigenous nerd, Keeta is passionate about pop culture, social justice and the power of story. 

Leadership isn鈥檛 found at top; it鈥檚 found in you. Do you, the best you can, in a good way.