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Ecology ECOL
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Educational Research EDER
Electrical Engineering ENEL
Energy and Environmental Systems EESS
Engineering ENGG
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation ENTI
Environmental Engineering ENEN
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2022-2023 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions E Engineering ENGG
Engineering ENGG

For more information about these courses, see Schulich School of Engineering schulich.ucalgary.ca.

Graduate Courses
Engineering 601       Professional Development I
Topics covered include: health and safety, communication styles, supervisory relationships and respect in the lab, presentation skills including presentation planning and voice projection, reference gathering and management, awareness of plagiarism, and writing abstracts.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (3S-0)
Admission to an engineering thesis-based graduate program.
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Engineering 603       Professional Development II
Topics covered include: presentation skills, skills for writing scientific manuscripts, peer review process, defense and candidacy, engineering design, intellectual property, and networking basics.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (3S-0)
Admission to an engineering thesis-based graduate program.
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Engineering 680       Introduction to Digital Engineering
Fundamental components of a digital engineering system. Basic programming constructs for implementing digital engineering systems. Programming techniques to facilitate data analysis. Obtaining and cleaning data. Data validation. Data visualization. Introduction to basic machine learning techniques and data-driven modeling. Applications chosen from all engineering disciplines.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Engineering 681       Engineering Tools
The theory and use of numerical computational procedures to solve engineering problems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
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Engineering 682       Sustainability Engineering
Sustainability in ancient and modern societies; UN sustainable development goals; risk assessment, life cycle analysis, and sustainability indices; global reporting initiative; mapping the scope of sustainability challenges in industrial/agrarian economies; analysis of the relationship among economic systems, growth and sustainable alternatives; sustainable innovations in the food, energy, water and materials sectors.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Engineering 683       Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Definitions, contexts, language, dynamics, historical and contemporary examples of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship; innovation process from a multidisciplinary perspective; Engineering inventive processes.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
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Engineering 684       Introduction to Project Management
Application of management principles to the project environment; planning, control, scope, time and cost processes; project organization and human resource issues. Students review aspects of a current major capital project and submit and defend a project report.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Engineering 684 and any of Civil Engineering 691, Engineering 515 or Manufacturing Engineering 527 will not be allowed. 聽
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Engineering 685       Energy Policy for Engineers
Overview of the technical and non-technical factors that affect policies governing the generation, transmission and trade of energy. Energy trading in regulated and deregulated markets. Emissions trading and taxation. Energy policy case studies from both Canadian and International energy markets.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to a MEng program with a specialization in either Petroleum Engineering or Environmental Engineering.  
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: Petroleum Engineering 626. 聽
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Engineering 686       Climate Change Adaptation for Engineers
Introduction to climate, climate variability, climate change. Climate data sources. Climate change adaptation for engineers: principles and applicable sectors. The Canadian Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIVEC) protocol and its application for assessing climate change vulnerability and developing adaptation strategy.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Engineering 687       Ethics, Law, and the Engineering Profession
The professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer as they relate to society. Ethics and the engineering profession. Public and worker safety and health. Design for safety. Sustainable development. The engineer and the environment. Environmental stewardship. Essentials of leadership. Gender issues. Employment equity. Fundamentals of Engineering Law. Professional organizations. The Engineering Profession鈥檚 Act.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Engineering 687 and 513 will not be allowed.
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