
Insurance Coverage

Areas of Coverage

The following are summaries of the ˮƵ of Calgary's insurance program and do not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to these policies. For further information about these policies, please email Risk Management and Insurance at riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca.

Foraccess to construction insurance documents, email Risk Management and Insurance atriskmgmt@ucalgary.ca.

Step One - Applying for Grants/Funding

It is mandatory for investigators at the ˮƵ of Calgary who are pursuing or plan to pursue investigator-initiated clinical research that includes the enrollment of subjects outside of Canada to obtain .As such, investigators are required to ensure that they have budgeted for such cost during the funding process.

If this international trial is only to compare two existing standards of care that are already in effect in that country, contact Risk Management andInsurance atriskmgmt@ucalgary.caor 403.220.4623 for a discussion prior to putting the insurance budget into the project request.

If the trial in one particular country will include more than twenty-five participants,contact Risk Management and Insurance.

Step Two - Funding Granted, Apply for Insurance

Once funding has been secured, the investigator is responsible to complete thePlacement of Clinical Trial Insurance Request formand send it to Risk Management and Insurance atriskmgmt@ucalgary.cato initiate a formal insurance quote. The following documents must be attached to the request: protocol, informed consent, and draft agreements, if any.

Once the full information is received by Risk Management and Insurance, it will be sent to the university's insurance broker to market it for a formal insurance quote.

Some countries require admitted insurance which must be purchased in that particular country. Others may allow for a blanket policy type of insurance. The more countries that are involved in the study, the longer the time required to negotiate that insurance in each participating country. It is recommended that you complete the request form as soon as funding has been obtained and the protocol and informed consent have been approved through the ethics committee. Premium costs will also vary between countries and the length of time for the trial.

Step Three - Once the Request has Been Received

Risk Management and Insurance will send Legal Services approval to negotiate agreements with the research sites indicated using theClinical Trial Approval Form.

Step Four - Insurance Negotiations

During the quotation process, the insurers will generally have a variety of questions related to the research and may also have other forms that must be completed.Once the formal quote is obtained from the insurer, it will be sent to the principal investigator.If the principal investigator agrees to the quote, they will be required to supply Risk Management and Insurance with the financial account number for insurance costs.Costs will be done on an annual basis during the term of the trial and for twoyears following, to ensure that any claims that may result are covered.

Once negotiations are completed and the policy is bound, Risk Management and Insurance will complete and send the approval form to Legal Services and the Calgary Centre for Clinical Research (CCCR).

All accidental/unintended environmentaldischarges, dispersal, release, or escape of pollutantsmust be reported immediately to Campus Security at 403.220.5333.

All environmental releases which cause a release into the air, ground, or watermust be reported to Risk Management and Insurance atriskmgmt@ucalgary.caor 403.220.5719as soon as detected in order to be covered by the insurance program.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

Updated: Apr 12, 2024


Equipment owned by an outside agency/company for which the university has agreed to assume responsibility through an agreement or contract.

All leases or loans of third party equipmenttothe ˮƵ of Calgary must be done through a written agreement which must:

  • indicate that UCalgary is legally responsible to insure the equipment while it is in the university's possession
  • indicate whether UCalgary or the external company/organization isinsuring it in-transit to the university and then back to the loaner
  • containa list all of the items beingleased/loaned, including their values.

Once the agreement has been signed by the appropriate party internally the insurance coverage will apply.

Equipment with a value of over $100,000 it must be declared by completing anform with a copy of the contract sent to riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca so that it may be declared to the insurer.

This does not apply to leases/loans of fine arts.They are handled separately.


  • regular wear & tear
  • mechanical or electrical breakdown
  • dryness of atmosphere, mould, change of temperature, shrinkage
  • leakage of contents
  • rust, corrosion


Canada and the United States


If the equipment on lease/loan to the university sustains damage,please contact riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca. The department will be responsible to pay the applicable deductible (see Property Policy).

ˮƵ Owned Equipment on Lease or Loan to Others

When loaning or leasing university-owned equipment to external companies or organizations, the appropriate contract template must be used. This agreement requires external organizations and companies to provide insurance for UCalgary equipment while it is in their possession. This does not apply to Active Living and Com Media equipment loans to individuals.

The care, custody, and control of university equipment is the responsibility of thedepartment head who must approve the lease/loan of the equipment prior to the agreement being signed.

If a department is loaning equipment to university employees or students to take off campus for university-related work, the department is responsible to maintain records that indicate whom the equipment was loaned to in order to ensure proper capital equipment records.

Once you have completed the agreement, send it to exrecep@ucalgary.cafor signature.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

What is Covered

All fine arts must be reportedto Risk Management and Insurance in order to be covered under this insurance program.

Reporting Purchased/DonatedFine Arts

Complete theFine Arts Owned - Additionsspreadsheet and send toriskmgmt@ucalgary.ca.

Reporting Fine Arts on Loanto Us -from third parties

Complete theFine Arts On Loan - Additionsspreadsheet and return toriskmgmt@ucalgary.ca

ˮƵ-owned Fine Arts

Includes paintings, rare books, coins, manuscripts, works of art,collectibles, frames, crates, cases, and packing materials.Fine arts are covered against physical loss or property damage for the amount that is declared.They are also insured in-transit to and from the university.Values can be updated at anytime the fine arts are re-evaluated.

Fine Arts on Loan or Consignment to the ˮƵ

Covered against physical loss or property damage while they are on university property for the amount that is declared in the loan agreement. They may also be covered in-transit to and/or from the university, depending on the loan arrangements in the contract.

Coverage Conditions

In-transit Coverage

Coverage for fine arts being transported by an approvedtransportationcompany within Canada or the U.S.is provided under this policy.However, the following conditions apply:

  • Packing:all fine arts must be packed and unpacked by packers who are trained and skilled in utilizing procedures and materials necessary to protect that particular type of fine art.Failure to comply with this condition automatically suspends coverage.
  • Records:the inventories must be detailed and itemized.

Fine artsmay occasionally be transported by university employees or other designated persons.However, the items must be appropriately packed by an experienced fine arts person andthe vehicle transporting the items must never be left unattended.Special arrangements for fine arts in-transit coverage must be made withRisk Management and Insuranceif items are to be moved by an employee or other designated person.

Protective Safeguards

All safeguards must be maintained in working condition.


There is no deductible for this policy.

Who is Covered

All university departments, the Canadian Music Centre, and the Arctic Institute (AINA) for declared values

What is Not Covered

  • Fine arts that are not declared to Risk Management and Insurance.
  • Wear and tear
  • Gradual deterioration
  • Mold
  • Insects, vermin or rodents
  • Damage sustained or resulting from any repair, restoration, or retouching
  • War, military, and governmental action
  • Nuclear hazards
  • Mysterious disappearance of fine arts under $1000


World wide there is a maximum of $10 million each and every loss while at any location off campus.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

All costs to the ˮƵ of Calgary which it is legally obligated to pay as damages, which may arise as a result of bodily or personal injury or property damage. Insurance does not cover fines and/or penalties imposed by government legislation.

What is Covered

Costs which the ˮƵ of Calgary or its employees might become legally obligated to pay as damages, which arise from an incident where they were acting on behalf of the university, for any of the following reasons:

  • bodily injury
  • personal injury
  • property damage
  • property damage to leased property
  • professional and malpractice liability.

Costswhichthe ˮƵ of Calgary or its studentsmight become legally obligated to pay as damages, which arisefrom an incident that takes place during a credit course or student practicum and is related to the furtherance of thestudents education or training in theirdiscipline.

This insurance does not cover fines and penalties imposed by government legislation.

Who is Covered

  • Officers, directors, governors, employees or volunteers while acting on behalf of the university.
  • Any person, government, organization, trustee, or estate where the university is obligated by written contract to provide insurance, but only with respect to operations by or on behalf of the university
  • Any interest owned, controlled, or operated by the university
  • Students while engaged in performing a duty or taking part in any activity which is considered part of regularstudies orpractica connected with the university
  • Students taking training in the health sciences such as physicians, surgeons, nurses, technicians, pharmacists, interns, fellows, and residents while they are registered as a student at the university and acting in the discipline in which they are registered, whether on or off campus.

What is Not Covered

  • Use or operation of licensed automobiles and trailers(seeOwned Automobile Program,Rental Vehicle and Other Forms of TransportationInsurance Program)
  • Use or operation of owned and non-owned aircraft
  • Owned - watercraft liability for watercraft over 1000 tons gross registry
  • Property loss(see Property Insurance dropdown section below)
  • War
  • Environmental impairment.However,sudden and accidental environmental spills that aredetected and reported with 120 hours and is an unexpected and unintentional discharge, it may be covered
  • Products or work
  • Medical malpractice where the person was influenced by hypnotics, intoxicants, or narcotics
  • Nuclear accidents
  • Employment-related practices including claims arising out of refusal to employ or termination of employment
  • Human rights complaints or proceedings

Additional Insured

  • The ˮƵ of Calgary Alumni Association
  • ˮƵ of Calgary Foundation
  • The Calgary Olympic Development Association (CODA)
  • Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)
  • ˮƵ Technologies International Inc.


  • Worldwide

Health Coverage and Benefits

All individuals travelling on university business are required to ensure that they have medical emergency assistance and medical evacuation coverage.

  • Academic Staff, Support Staff (AUPE) and Management and Professional Staff (MaPS)
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Undergraduate Students- contact theto determine if you have health care coverage that applies outside of Canada.
  • Graduate Students- contact the
  • Volunteersare not provided with any health or life insurance coverage through the UCalgary and are responsible to ensure that they have adequate international coverage to meet their needs.
  • Contractorsare not provided with any health or life insurance coverage through the UCalgary and are responsible to ensure that they have adequate international coverage to meet their needs.

Property Insurance for ˮƵ Equipment

The university provides property insurance for UCalgary owned equipment temporarily taken to other locations outside of Canada for up to $1 million total value except for:

  • Shipping by sea or ocean.If you are shipping it by sea or ocean,ensure that you purchase the insurance offered by the shipping company.
  • Equipment loss/damage caused by war, invasion, hostilities, civil war, seizure by military or government authorities and is limited coverage if it is due to terrorism.If you are going to a country rated as "Extreme Risk" by the university, contactriskmgmt@ucalgary.caand, in the email, indicate the country and value of the equipment
  • The employee taking the equipment is required to ensure that they contact Supply Chain Management - Rob Lang at 403.220.7224 orrlan@ucalgary.cato discuss the need for a Carnet Bond for the equipment.The Carnet simplifies the customs procedures for the temporary export/import of goods.

Workers Compensation

ˮƵ of CalgaryAcademic, Support Staff, and Professional Staffare covered by Alberta Worker's Compensation while travelling outside of Alberta if all of the following four conditions are met:

  • you must be a resident of Alberta or have your usual place of employment in Alberta
  • the work outside of Alberta must be a continuation of the employment by UCalgary
  • the nature of the employment is such that, in the normal course of employment, the work you perform is required to be performed both in and out of Alberta
  • the employment outside of Alberta must last less than 12 months.

For more information on Worker's Compensation coverage for out-of-Alberta work, see the

Postdoctoral traineesthat are paid directly by the ˮƵ of Calgary are covered by WCB in the same manner as staff as per above.

Undergraduate and graduate students based in Albertaare considered workers of the Government of Alberta for the purposes of WCB coverage. See the.

General Liability Insurance

ˮƵ of Calgaryacademic staff, support staff (AUPE), management and professional staff (MAPS), undergraduate and graduate studentsare covered by UCalgary's general liability insurance while engaged in university business.

Volunteerswill be provided with general liability insurance if registered through theVolunteer Programand also registered through the.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

Updated: May 26, 2021


  • Property that is either owned by the university or for which the university has agreed to accept responsibility through awritten contract (i.e. leased/loaned equipment), whilethe property is in-transit to or from the university.
  • UCalgaryowned equipment shipped withinCanada and the U.S.
  • The coverage term begins when the university agrees to accept responsibility.For example, most purchases are done Carriage Paid To (CPT)which means that the university only accepts responsibility for them once they have arrived at our property.However, there may be cases where we are going to agree to accept responsibility from the point of origin, or until something that we are sending out is received by the other party.
  • Waterbourne shipments (not including those done by ocean):Inland water and coastal shipments are included in the university's policy.All other waterbourne shipments are excluded and departments are required to have them insured by the transportation service provider.
  • Airborne shipmentsare covered if by regularly scheduled passenger airlines or air freight carriers.


  • Biological materials:ensure that you purchase in-transit insurance from the carrier if you are shipping this type of material.
  • Property over $1 million value shipped outside Canada and the U.S.. If you are shipping equipment near this value, please contact Risk Management and Insurance.
  • Third party property: In-transit insurance does not cover property that is not owned by UCalgary.
  • Waterbourne shipments over the ocean (marine)
  • Waterbourne shipments via the Panama Canal, to or from Alaska, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, orHawaii.
  • Airbourne shipments that are not shipped by regular passenger airlines or airfreight carriers.
  • Mysterious disappearance.
  • Damage resulting from inadequate packing or improper preparation for shipment or from insecure stowage when not stowed by the carrier.


The policy has a deductible of $25,000 per incident. The internal deductibles within the university are as follows and would be assessed to the department(or trust account where applicable).

All Departments: $1,000

Visiting Students From Outside of Canada - Undertaking Rotations with the ˮƵ of Calgary

Visiting medical students who wish to undertake rotations through theˮƵ of Calgaryare required to apply through the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) portal and mustbecovered by$2 million dollarsof medical malpractice insurance.

This insurance must be purchased througha ˮƵ of Calgaryinsurance program and will cover the student'sactivities during their medical elective. The deductible is$1,000and the cost of the insurance will be included in the application fee.

The Faculty of Medicine will send the following information to Risk Management and Insurance (riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca) to enable them to purchase the insurance for the student:

  • full name of student
  • country of domicile/passport
  • type of placement and location
  • beginning date of elective
  • end date of elective.

Once this information has been received by RMI,they will forward it to the insurance brokers to have the student added to the policy. The student cannotbegin the electiveuntil the Faculty of Medicine receives a certificate of insurance from RMI indicating that the student is covered.

Requests should be made a month in advance, wherever possible.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

Updated: May 26, 2021


  • Full replacement value of all property owned by the university or for which the university has a contractual responsibility, which is located in Canada and the U.S.Such property includes buildings, fixtures, furniture, and equipment.
  • $1 million coverage for university equipment taken outside of Canada and the U.S.
  • Insures against all risks of physical loss or damage, including damage resulting from fire, vandalism, theft, and natural events such as floods, earthquakes, and storms.
  • Extra expenses which might be incurred to conduct or continue business following a loss, as well as costs associated with business interruption and loss of rent at designated locations.
  • Most university equipment which is taken off campus, provided it has been done with the department head or dean's permission.
  • Valuable papers


The policy has a deductible of $100,000 per incident in most cases. The internal deductibles indicated below would be assessed to the department(or trust account where applicable):

All departments except those listed below: $3,000

Self-supporting departments:$5,000. Departments in this category include:

  • Bookstore
  • Facilities Management
  • Active Living
  • Communications Media
  • Conference and Special Events
  • Continuing Education
  • Parking and Transportation Services
  • Residence Services


  • Aircraft
  • Biological materials
  • Currency, money, notes, securities, jewelry
  • Personal property of individuals on campus including students, faculty,staff, contractors, and the public
  • Property of any individual or company renting, leasing, or using universityspace
  • Property shipped by ocean or non-regular airlines (purchase insurance from shipper)
  • Research animals
  • Renovations, additions or alterations with a total cost of more than $5M unless specifically added (continued in next column)

    (continued from previous column)

  • Watercraft over 40 feet in length
  • Unattendedand UnprotectedRemote Sensing Equipment
    • Unprotected Remote Sensing Equipmentis defined as any equipment that isdeployed remotely, out in the open on the ground,under the ground, in bore holes or wells, in the water,in the atmosphere, or in spacewhere it is notprotected by some typeoflocked fence orcompound. Equipment that istethered to the ground in some manner, but isleft out in the open, is considered unprotected.
    • Unattendedmeans that a person is not physically located with the equipment.If the equipment is only left for the time required for a lunch break or coffee break it is still considered attendedduring those times.If you leave the site for any longer than a lunch break or coffee breakthe equipment becomes "Unattended" and therefore not covered by insurance.
  • Land including water, standing timber, or growing crops


Property Losses resulting from:

  • Dishonesty or infidelity of employees, or of others to whom property is loaned, rented, or entrusted
  • Dampness or dryness of atmosphere, mold or fungi, wet or dry rot, heating,evaporation, marring, scratching, rust or corrosion, contamination, change in colour or finish
  • Electrical disturbances to electrical appliances or devices due to electrical currents artificially generated
  • Fines
  • Mechanical or electrical breakdown, latent defect, wear and tear, faulty workmanship
  • Magnetic injury, disturbance, or erasure of electronic recordings
  • Moths, vermin, termites, rodents, or other insects
  • Mysterious disappearance or unexplained loss of inventory storage
  • Pollutants.
  • Waror hostile warlike actions, insurrection, civil war, etc.


  • Boilers, piping and related machinery (see Boiler Policy)
  • Fine arts and rare books (see Fine Arts Policy)
  • Automobiles or other licensed motor vehicles (see Auto Policy)
  • New buildings under construction (see Course of Construction Policy)




The Department of Real Estate, Leasing and Land Holdings are the designated department responsible for negotiating and contractingalllong term spaces leases on behalf of the ˮƵ of Calgary.

In order to insure a new long-term leased space to the university's property insurance policy, theAdding New Leased Spacesform must be completed and submitted toriskmgmt@ucalgary.ca.

The following summary of coverage does not include all of the conditions and exclusions that may apply to this policy.

Who is Covered

  • Active students who are under the age of 70, enrolled in a university approved paid or unpaid work placement or volunteer setting and are not covered for Workers’ Compensation.
  • Coverage is extended to include traveling directly to the site of such work placement or volunteer setting, along a normal or reasonable route, without delay or stopover
  • The loss or loss of use must occur within 365 days of the date of accident.

What is Covered

  • Elective programs
  • Internships
  • Work or Volunteer Placements arranged and approved by UCalgary
  • Co-op placements
  • Bridge Programs
  • Practicums
  • Students participating in field placements or site visits for the purposes of skill development
  • Worldwide Coverage (with the exception of home country) if placement is outside Canada.
  • Job Shadowing
  • Volunteering on international programs which was arranged and approved by UCalgary

What is Not Covered

  • International students are not covered in their home country of residence while on placement
  • Sickness or disease
  • Expenses incurred by persons not covered by a federal or provincial health plan
  • Expenses while in country of domicile if an international student


In the event of an injury, please contact Risk Management & Insurance riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca who will provide the necessary forms and reporting requirements to the student.

If you have questions about the insurance policies listed below, please contact Risk Management & Insurance at riskmgmt@ucalgary.ca.

  • Boiler & Machinery
  • Bonds
  • Crime
  • Errors & Omission Liability

Student Tenant Insurance

Student Tenant Insurance- This insurance only applies tostudents who are living in Student Residences on the ˮƵ of Calgary Campus.

*Note - Student is responsible to call one of the following numbers within 24-48 hours if there is a claim or loss.

Marsh Canada Limited - Toll-Free Number: 1-800-665-0765 or

International Programs Group (IPG)Email: excessuwclaims@ipgclaims.com,Direct Number: 1-888-780-7913

$10,000Contents Coverage
Each student will be provided with coverage to protect your personalbelongings up to $10,000 — subject toa $500 deductible. The policy providescoverage for all risks of loss or damagesubject to exclusions. Claims will besettled on a “replacement cost” basis.

$1,000,000Personal Liability Coverage
If a student is found to be responsible forcausing accidental damage to universityproperty or another student’s property(for example, if a student accidentallystarted a fire in their room) or accidentalbodily injury to another person, the policywill respond up to $1,000,000 to pay legalexpenses and compensatory damages forwhich they are found to be legally liable.

$2,500 Additional Living Expenses
If as a consequence of an insured loss the student’s residence is unfit for occupancy,the policy will pay the increased expenses(up to $2,500) incurred by the student toobtain temporary housing. For example, ifa student moves to a hotel for a few dayswhile their room is being repaired, hotelcosts including meals would be covered.Under this program, the university purchases a master policy that provides insurance coverage for all students who are living in residence.