Wellness Champion Network

Wellness Champions are employees from across campus who encourage the wellness of campus community members and the creation of healthy workplaces. Wellness Champions may be part of formal wellness committees in their own faculties and units, but they can also affiliate with the Wellness Champion Group without a formal committee.

The Wellness Champion Network is a Community of Practice that contributes to a supportive workplace environment and campus community by sharing information on wellbeing resources and education, promoting positive psychosocial factors, and encouraging positive health and wellness practices in community members.



Enabling Teams

Wellness Champions

WellBeing and WorkLife (WBWL) serves as a resource hub for Wellness Champions and Committees.

The Wellness Champion Network Teams ChannelÌý is moderated by WellBeing and WorkLife and we communicate regularly with the group through this channel, newsletters, and emails. Wellness Champions also share their initiatives through this channel.Ìý WBWL staff are available for consultation with Wellness Champions and Wellness Committees on evidence-informed initiatives for workplace wellbeing. As invited, WBWL staff may sit on Wellness Committees or attend meetings to provide consultation and to provide information on wellbeing resources.Ìý To learn more about the Network, email staffwellness@ucalgary.ca.Ìý

Wellness Ideas

Utilize EFAP Resources

As a Wellness Advocate, the Employee and Family Assistance Program is a great resource for you to access. You can download articles on a variety of health and wellness topics to share with your colleagues and print and share the monthly posters and quarterly newsletters.

Learn more

Promote Existing Wellness Initiatives

Learn about the variety of wellness initiatives on campus throughout the year including Health Checks, Active Living programs, wellness lunch and learn sessions, wellness fairs, and more.

Learn more

Outdoor Lunchtime Activities

Host outdoor activities like lawn games such as a frisbee or bocce tournament. These types of activities require little planning and a nominal budget.

Promote Fitness Classes

Promote the existing fitness classes offered through Active Living. 

On-site Fitness Classes

Work with the Coordinator, WellBeing and WorkLife to bring fitness classes like yoga or group personal training to the employees in your area.

Moving Meetings

A great way to get outside, exercise, and be productive while at work. Moving meetings can be more stimulating than a typical board room meeting as walking or wheeling tends to keep people more alert as opposed to sitting at a desk. Further, the changes in scenery can promote creative ideas, and the informal structure can encourage a more supportive atmosphere.


Like-minded Coworkers

Recruit coworkers who are also interested in wellness to help brainstorm wellness initiatives, communicate with the department, and encourage participation in wellness initiatives by making them more social events.

Connecting with other Wellness Champions

WellBeing and WorkLife moderates a Teams Channel for Wellness Champions. This provides an opportunity to gain new ideas for educating coworkers about wellness resources available to them and share new wellness initiatives to implement within departments.Ìý

Mentorship From Other Wellness Champions

Existing wellness committee members and Wellness Champions can be resources to you by providing insight and tips gained from previous experience in connecting coworkers with resources and creating wellness initiatives.

WellBeing and WorkLife

Contact WellBeing and WorkLife for support in creating, implementing, and evaluating wellness initiatives within your department at 403.220.2918 or staffwellness@ucalgary.ca.

If you are interested in becoming a Wellness Champion or creating a Wellness Committee, you can sign up to our Teams channel and mailing list to receive our Wellness Newsletter and information on how to expand your wellness program by contacting Wellbeing and Worklife, staffwellness@ucalgary.ca